Guided Creative Experiences


Join me in my studio or craft a custom (in-person or virtual) workshop to tap into a powerful well of creative energy.

These workshops are for people ready to explore their creativity and harness a whole new level of self love in the process. Create a one-of-a-kind experience for your family, your co-workers, your women's group, and let the healing power of art-making guide you to that next level. 

I'm here to help bring forth your inner artist with encouragement and enthusiasm!

Contact me HERE to get started.

  • Celebrate a Milestone

    A private group experience where you and your most special people are guided through a custom workshop designed specifically for whatever occasion you're honoring. Birthday, wedding, grief or big changes, making art together is powerful medicine.

  • Team Building

    A custom made experience for your team, designed to bring forward creativity, communication, new ideas and deepen connection. Making space and time for creative breakthroughs can be an amazing way to lift group moral and build stronger relationships.

  • Creative Breakthrough

    Let's make art together 1 on 1. This experience is designed to honor whatever you're going through. By bringing forth your creativity we can gently, but powerfully, process anything life throws at us. The perfect way to find your center and make a fresh start.


"Inspiring and elevating!"

"[Sarah's annual workshop] enhances our Youth Leadership Academy in ways that I can't fully express.

I love how Sarah dispels the fear of not being a "good drawer" or technically skilled and bring out the creative nature in all of us. The Youth Leaders loved her tone and how she helped them release and decompress. It opened up their minds and allowed the art to flow... pour out."

– Marissa S, Empower Tennessee

What's Possible?

Whether it's a 2-hour zoom session, or an all-day in person intensive, I'm always amazed at how transformative making art together can be.

Most common feedback I receive:

  • feeling a new sense of possibility
  • tuning into that inner sense of creativity and wonder that got lost somewhere along the way to adulthood
  • remembering how much fun it is to relax and get messy

Are you craving a creative breakthrough?

What part of your life needs a renewed sense of hope and possibility? Let me be your guide to remembering the your life is a work of art and you are indeed an artist — even if you say you're not!

Let's make it happen!


"I highly recommend Sarah to anyone who is looking for a class that reminds them everyone can be an artist."

"Sarah was fantastic to work with! She brings so much life and positivity from planning to the actual class itself. She is reliable, communicative, and full of ideas on how to create an event that is welcoming for everyone.

The structure of the class makes it so that your creativity can be explored freely. Sarah made collage-making fun by welcoming exploration of all types of mediums and ideas and celebrating everyone’s work. The class helps you find your inner artist by prioritizing the joy and freedom in creation!"

– Tessa S, Cascadia Health

Why I love to teach

It's one of my absolute favorite things in life to share the magic of what's truly possible when we tap into our creative power. Because for most of us (including myself) there can be many obstacles to accessing the pure life force energy that is our creativity.

When I lead a workshop the main message is one of self love and acceptance.

I believe that art heals and that everyone is an artist. Remembering that can bring about profound shifts and remove blocks to who we really want to be.

Make art with me!

Get updates about new workshops!

If you're excited to come play, please join my Workshops + Classes mailing list below to receive invites to upcoming classes in Portland and online!

Or if you want to book a private session for your group or team, please reach out to me directly HERE.